What does God want you to see today?

Last week Salem Heights Church was out in our community evangelizing and Carrie (a former missionary with FGIM) noticed a lady she recognized from church with a newborn baby boy. They began talking and found out the babies mother had passed away and this lady was a distant relative. She had decided she wanted to care for the baby. Which is exceptional and I am so proud of her for taking on that burden. Praise the Lord!

Thank the Lord this team took notice of what God obviously wanted them to see because through this conversation they found out the lady only had the means to feed the baby sugar water. They could not afford formula.

Carrie reached out to another orphanage in town that takes in babies for advice. We found out they have formula for situations like this one to encourage families to stay together. Praise the Lord! She got the formula and sent it with a Haitian staff member.

Later we went to visit to see how the baby was doing now that it had some nutrition. He was so much more alert, but was spitting up. We took a look at the bottle and there was a big hole in it. This adoptive Mama is trying so hard and my heart broke looking at that bottle and knowing that sweet baby boy was struggling to drink the formula because the nipple hole on the bottle had another hole in it. Most Haitians breast feed, so this can of formula and a bottle is all new to this family and to me too!

After we left I assured the team we would get them new bottles and I would continue checking on them. Where they live is close to our home, so I was just excited to say I can actually do that with Sweet PE! Life with my beautiful blessing of a daughter has changed my ability to be out in the community, so I am so thankful when God orchestrates events like this one where I can actually be present!

Chase was able to pick up two bottles in town and we again sent them with a staff member to their house (we try and be careful on things coming from the white people). Today I was blessed with an opportunity to go visit and feed that precious baby! The Mama is so happy and grateful to have some help caring for this baby. We went over how many ounces he should get and how often. And how to scoop the right amount of formula each time… and to be honest, I had to google it! 😆 I have been able to share with this Mama I am not a know it all and that I am learning right along side of her. I could see the relief on her face when I shared how I’m right there with her learning how to properly feed this baby!

My prayer is that God will continue to use teams to to show us what God wants us to see! What a beautiful ministry opportunity that I cannot help but think, “what if they ignored the Holy Spirit and did not stop and ask questions?”

So today, what is the Holy Spirit nudging you to see? It might not be a baby in need, but everyday God gives us the gift of life for a reason. I’m am challenged by this unfolding of events to ask myself everyday what He wants me to see that day!

Please be praying for this family by name as they learn to care for this precious baby boy.

New Mother- Irana

New Father- Molanje

Baby Boy- Davidson

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